Kate Amochi
House of Hope | Guardian
Love to Dance
Self Proclaimed Life hacking Specialist
From the beginning Kate was important to the group, more because of what she was than because of who she was. Each one of the Guardians was picked for a reason, and given a specific task, so the fact she was chosen to be the Guardian of Hope meant something. Like all the Guardians in the story she took over the position from someone else. At the point Kate’s story is set there have been three Guardians of Hope. Each one of them have come from different habitable worlds. When she was chosen it was because she had the strength to believe her life was going to get better after all the struggles and challenges. There is no way she can know this. She simply knows that she was chosen to be the Guardian of Hope, and she is determined to be the best Guardian she can be.
As time passes Kate becomes more important for who she is. The Guardians don’t look to her as a leader, because they have no leader, but instead she becomes a friend to most of them. When they need someone to talk to about the past, or things that are bothering them as Guardians, or anything else they may want to talk about, they go to her. She listens to them, without feeling the need to give them advice if they don’t want it. A lot of the time they know the answer to their own problems – what they need is someone like Kate, who can listen, and ask the right questions, in order for them to find their own answers. Being a listener has always been important to her, and she understands that normally someone really wants to be able to talk their issues through without being given any unwanted advice.
It’s not only the other Guardians Kate helps. As the Guardian of Hope she is called by people who have lost all belief that things can get better. She deals with people on numerous worlds, who are all going through different difficulties, and she helps them to see how they can make their lives better. The only problem Kate has is that she can’t be more proactive. She has to wait for someone to call on her for help. A Guardian can only help others if they are asked for it. Although Kate understands why, they need to want the help before they can find a way to change their lives, one of the things she’d like to be able to do is go to help those who aren’t so certain they deserve the help. She sees it all the time. People think they should be living the lives they are, because things can’t get any better, and she has no way of helping them to see that they’re very wrong about that. Everyone deserves happiness – all they have to do is believe it.
Kate + Harrry Unisex T-Shirt
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Slo’s School of Slow Living
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ZEN Stories w/ Pando